Blue Star Families

Tom Porter
Vice President of Government Relations
The families of our all-volunteer military make unprecedented sacrifices these days to serve our country. Blue Star Families was founded by military spouses in 2009 to empower these families to thrive as they serve. We’re committed to strengthening military families by connecting them with their neighbors – individuals and organizations – to create vibrant communities of mutual support. We believe we’re all stronger when we take care of one another.
Our groundbreaking research is raising the nation’s awareness of the unique challenges of military family life. With the help of neighbors across the country, we are overcoming the isolation and alienation of frequent moves, deployments, and reduced support from the government. Our innovative programs are solving specific challenges for military families, including fighting economic insecurity with resources that foster spouse career development, creating family strength with rich family programming, and providing critical peer support for caregivers, whose numbers are only increasing.
With approximately 275,000 members in our network, including in chapters and communities all over the world, we touch more than 1.5 million military family members each year. Through our research and program partnerships, we ensure that wherever American military families go, they can always feel connected, supported and empowered to thrive – in every community, across the nation, and around the globe.
The organization was approved as an ex-officio member in 2023. Mr. Porter has served as the representative to the Commission since January 2024.
National Federation of State High School Associations

Davis Whitfield
Chief Operating Officer
Since 1920, The National Federation of State High School Associations has led the development of education-based interscholastic sports and activities that help students succeed in their lives. We set directions for the future by building awareness and support, improving the participation experience, establishing consistent standards and rules for competition, and helping those who oversee high school sports and activities.
The NFHS, from its offices in Indianapolis, Indiana, serves its 50 member state high school athletic/activity associations, plus the District of Columbia.
The NFHS publishes playing rules in 16 sports for boys and girls competition and administers fine arts programs in speech, theater, debate and music. It provides a variety of program initiatives that reach the 18,500 high schools and over 11 million students involved in athletic and activity programs.
The organization was approved as an ex-officio member in 2015. Mr. Whitfield has served as the representative to the Commission since 2016.
Military Child Education Coalition

Kyle Wood
Chief Operating Officer
The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) is a global nonprofit organization that has been serving military-connected children and their families since 1998. Our mission is supporting all military-connected children by educating parents, school personnel, and the children themselves to better understand and resolve the unique educational challenges associated with the highly mobile and unpredictable military lifestyle; advocating on behalf of military-connected children with local, state, and national decision makers; and collaborating on behalf of military-connected children with all military branches, state, and national departments of education, local school districts, institutions of higher learning, and other nonprofit organizations.
Our vision is to ensure every military-connected child is supported in their social and emotional wellbeing so they can be college-, work-, and life-ready. We achieve our mission by providing in-person and virtual trainings and workshops, webinars, podcasts, SchoolQuest (TM) (A state-of-the-art planning tool with links to critical resources and information), and a variety of electronic and printed resources — all of which are provided free of charge to military families. MCEC is the National Advocate for the Purple Star Schools Program (TM), a program run by the states to certify their schools to support military children who transition into their districts.
The organization is an inaugural ex-officio member of the Commission. Mr. Wood has served as the representative to the Commission since April 2024.
National Military Family Association

Eileen Huck
Government Relations Senior Deputy Director
The National Military Family Association is the leading nonprofit dedicated to serving the families who stand behind the uniform. Since 1969, NMFA has worked to strengthen and protect millions of families through its advocacy and programs. We provide spouse scholarships, camps for military kids, and retreats for families reconnecting after deployment and for the families of the wounded, ill, or injured.
NMFA serves the families of the currently serving, retired, wounded, or fallen members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, and Commissioned Corps of the USPHS and NOAA.
The organization is an inaugural ex-officio member of the Commission. Ms. Huck has served as the representative to the Commission since June 2023.
Military Impacted Schools Association

Kyle Fairbairn
Executive Director
Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) is a national organization of school superintendents. Our mission is to serve school districts with a high concentration of military children. MISA is also part of the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools (NAFIS).
Formed in 1986, MISA works on funding (Impact Aid), legislation, partnerships and programs for military families on the move.
Education is an important quality of life program for military families. MISA partners with the Department of Defense Education Activity, National Military Family Association, and military leaders to ensure that all military children are afforded a quality education.
MISA works with local school districts and commanders to highlight best practices and partnerships that can further meet the needs of military families.
The organization is an inaugural ex-officio member of the Commission. Mr. Fairbairn has served as the representative to the Commission since 2011.
U.S. Department of Defense

Dianna Ganote
Program Analyst
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Military Community and Family Policy
Office of Children, Youth and Families
Learn More About the School Liaison Program
Department of Defense represents military associated families in each of the Service Departments (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force). Also, supports families from the Coast Guard, National Institute of Health, and National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. Working under the Department of Defense, Military Community & Family Policy is directly responsible for programs and policies that establish and support community quality of life programs for military associated families worldwide.
K-12 education is an important quality of life and force retention issue for military families. It is DoD policy to support the intent of the Compact by reducing the difficulty children of military families have in transferring between school systems because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents.
The Services implement the Department of Defense School Liaison Program, an essential element of the military Child & Youth Programs, PreK-12 System Navigation, and youth sponsorship programs, provided at military installations worldwide. School Liaisons work with Installation Commanders, parents, and Local and State Education Agencies.
The Department is an inaugural ex-officio member of the Commission. Ms. Ganote has served as the Military Representative to the Commission since December 2022.